Category Archives: This waking life

As above so below

As above, so below. As within, so without. What do these ancient sayings mean to you? Legend has it that Hermes Trismegistus inscribed these words, in Phoenician, on The Emerald Tablet, somewhere between 1,200 and 38,000 years ago. Yes, you did read those dates correctly. No, no-one knows where the tablet is now, or whether

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Tell me about your dream

“We welcome dream reader, Jane Teresa, onto the breakfast show,” a radio presenter announced earlier this morning, and I had to smile to myself: there it was again, call it synchronicity, a prod from the universe, or meaningful coincidence, those two words, dream reader, gave me the thumbs up for the blog idea I had

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Episode 170 The Dream Show: Moving in a whole new way

How do you respond when the winds of change sweep your way? Do you hold back in fear, look for an escape route, try to put off the inevitable, fight to stand your ground, defend and strengthen the status quo, take a giant leap of faith and let the winds of change carry you, or

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Sting’s Dream of the Blue Turtles

How creative is your dreaming mind at weaving what’s happening around you while you sleep into a dream? Someone knocking on your door, an alarm clock that fails to wake you, a snoring partner, a cooking smell, a cold blast of air, can all find their ways into a dream, but usually in a surreal

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