Tag Archives: radio

Radio 2UE: Rat race or mouse trap?

Stacey phoned Radio 2UE last week when I was interpreting dreams on Andrew Daddo’s show. She’d been dreaming the same dream every other night for 6 months, and wondered why. In each dream, she rescued some mice from danger, then kept forgetting to feed them. She had rescued them from one danger and now they

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Radio HotFM 95.7 Gravestone dream

I was interpreting dreams on Chippy and Step’s Morning Juice breakfast show on Radio HotFM WA 95.7 this morning. One of the callers was Rebecca, who had dreamed she was driving along their main highway and had reached the point where they’re building a new road. So far, everything in the dream was as it

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ABC QLD Recurring death dream

“Three nights in a row this week I dreamed I died in a car accident, and I was frantically trying to contact my husband to discuss the funeral arrangements,” said Gail, one of the callers to my dream interpretation segment on Stacey Katter’s afternoon show today on Radio ABC QLD. What does it mean? “It’s

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