
Adapt Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

Yesterday I invited people on FaceBook to pick a number between 1 and 365 to get a reading from my book The Compass. (There are 365 readings in the book.)

Debbie picked number 172, ‘Adapt’. Here’s the full reading:


172: ADAPT



Your environment is your teacher.



What changes are challenging you?

Where are you feeling restricted?

Imagine accepting the restrictions you are feeling. How would your life change in the long term? Imagine accepting the challenge of breaking free from the feeling of restriction. What changes in attitude would you need to make to achieve this? What are the changes forcing you to examine about yourself, and your life? How are you going to respond?



Imagine a prehistoric fish living happily in a crystal clear pond. As years go by, she births hundreds of baby fish, and their food supply begins to dwindle. Her babies begin to mysteriously disappear. She suffers deep despair. Were her children eaten? Did they die of starvation? The more she despairs, the more the crystal waters of the pond get murky and dark. Her old happy life has gone. She can hardly see ahead through the dark water, and there is little food left. Life has become severely restricted. What should she do? She’d never been adventurous, always preferring the safe pond waters, but she is no longer safe here. To survive, she needs to change her attitude, to take a risk instead of opting for safety, to leave the pond in search of a better life. Seeing some leaves breaking the surface of the pond, she reaches up to nibble, and keeps on nibbling until she realises she is standing on dry land! Her children, now grown, are all there to greet her. They look strangely different, but she recognises them as her own. She is the mother of the first amphibians, and now she too can breathe and walk on land. Why she had not known this before?

From The Compass – your guide to your best future, copyright Jane Teresa Anderson

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