Episode 229 The Dream Show: The bunker and the Antichrist

Episode 229 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Celena from Clarkesville, Georgia, is my guest asking about a series of increasingly catastrophic dreams.

The dreams took place over six weeks. In the first dream Celena is building a safe place, a bunker, because of an imminent weather-related event. By the second dream the danger is war, and by the third dream it’s the coming of the Antichrist.

Celena was concerned about the progressively cataclysmic nature of her three dreams as she was unable to relate this theme to her life. She worried that she was missing a vital alert.

Listen as Celena and I explore her dreams and discover how they do indeed relate to her life. We excavate and find powerful insights that dramatically shift Celena’s perspective, opening her way ahead.


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2 comments on “Episode 229 The Dream Show: The bunker and the Antichrist”

  1. Karen Joy

    I love Celena’s dreams and how you excavated the subsconscious implications for her current life. To me, her dreams are a perfect signpost for these unprecedented times. I see the importance of preparation for Covid-19 and the economic strife that is still approaching, not by hoarding toilet paper and other essentials, not by hiding in bunkers, but by looking inside in the way you helped Celena do that. We need to surface and confront our fears, work through them, find our wise, nurturing parts that heal us, and integrate our different parts into a congruent whole with a strong trusting core. Our inner strength is our best protection from danger. Thanks Celena for sharing your dreams and thanks Jane for sharing your wisdom.

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