Tag Archives: celebration

Episode 256 The Dream Show: Dream incubation

We pause our guest-format to celebrate 13 years of podcasting The Dream Show and to explore the immense treasures and opportunities offered by our dreams. This episode brings you tips on how to incubate a dream about a specific topic, and shares some of my earlier research on the surprising things that happened when I

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The best job in the world

Today’s the day the doors open wide for enrolment into the dream therapist professional certificate online courses at The Dream Academy. Yes, we’re launched, and so delighted to welcome the first students whose names have graced the waiting list for the past weeks and months. They’re in, and happily exploring, and now we’re ready for

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Episode 160 The Dream Show: I dreamed I had died

My guest, Alexandra, dreamed she had died. She stood on the path outside the church, and calmly watched the priests emerge from the funeral service into the courtyard, dressed in celebration regalia emblazoned with a glowing fleur-de-lys pattern. They walked in her direction, carrying trays of silver containers, as if bringing her – in her

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