Episode 150 The Dream Show: Radiant light being

Episode 150 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

My guest, Caroline, dreamed she was given a cheque made out to ‘Radiant Light Being’, or, on looking at it again, did it say ‘Radiant Glowing Jellyfish’? Either way, she felt she shouldn’t be paid because she had only been helping a secretary clean up a professor’s office. “Must be because I’m angelic,” she quipped to the secretary, and they both cracked up laughing.

Later in the dream the professor holds up a tiny yellow raincoat, “Do you want this?” he asks. Ever since her dream, a month ago, she’s been enjoying entertaining people with the question of the tiny yellow dream raincoat: what a strange thing for the professor to offer, and well – did she want it?

Plenty happened in the dream between the radiant light jellyfish moment and the tiny yellow raincoat moment, and you’ll hear us explore and make sense of it all.

Listen to discover how the dream relates to Caroline’s life, what insight she gains from the interpretation process, and what she decides to do as a result. Enjoy: you’ll be inspired.


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