That’s Love Magazine, Sex dreams

Sex Dreams Jane Teresa Anderson

The That’s Life Magazine (Australia) team have just launched a new quarterly mag, That’s Love, and asked me to interpret some sex dreams for their first issue. With their permission, here’s an extract from my article:

“Dream sex is symbolic. Just as your body responds to a scary dream by releasing the fear hormone adrenalin which pumps up your heart rate and gives you cold sweats, your body responds sexually to a sex dream and you may even have an orgasm. No matter how good the dream sex felt, reassure your partner that your dream does NOT reveal any hidden desire for sex with anyone else. So, what does it mean?

Sex is a close union with another person, so dream sex is a good symbol for what you are integrating into your life.”

(This is where I interpret various sex dream scenarios. Here’s one:) 

Adulterous sex

“If there’s a feeling of betrayal, cheating or forbidden love in your dream, ask yourself where, in your life, you feel you are betraying a non-sexual commitment you’ve made to yourself, or feeling drawn to doing something out of character, or indulging a passion you have forbidden. Have you broken a diet, spoken your mind, decided to leave a career you had committed to? Are you struggling with an issue of loyalty to a job, a cause, a way of life? Change can be good, but our dreams can show we feel like we’re cheating when we change our rules!”

In the article I’ve given interpretation tips for dreams of sex with an ex, with a family member, with multiple partners, with your boss, and much more. Check the current issue of the magazine to read the whole article.

You might also like to read my blog on DREAMING ABOUT YOUR EX.

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