Episode 35 The Dream Show: Tsunami dreams and what they mean

Episode 35 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Have you ever faced a tsunami or giant tidal wave in a dream? What happened?

It’s a very common, recurring dream theme, so what does it mean?

Whether or not you’ve had this dream, there’s plenty of insight you can take forward from today’s episode to help soothe troubled waters in troubling times.

Listen to my story about a tsunami dream I had just before one of my books was published, and the lessons it taught me about how to handle my fears.

Troubling times, or changing times? It all depends on your perspective: did the global financial crisis affect you, and how did you respond? Listen to tips about what kind of dreams you might experience during a tsunami of a crisis, and how to work with these to create rewarding outcomes.

Listen here (episode 35).

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