Episode 33 The Dream Show: Dreams and the Law of Attraction

Episode 33 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

I am often asked about the Law of Attraction, and whether nightmares and dreams with negative vibes attract negative people and events into our lives. It’s a good question, and one I explore in today’s podcast, episode 33.

The real secret to getting the Law of Attraction to bring you what you consciously want – and this is overlooked by just about everyone teaching LOA methods – is to get your unconscious mind on side. Why? Because your unconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind.

For example, you might choose to focus on sending out a positive vibe about money all day. You spend all day doing this, feeling totally positive and good about it. As far as you are aware, you have absolutely no block to having vast amounts of money in your life. However, your unconscious mind may have a different agenda.

You may have unconscious doubts, limiting beliefs and blocks about having so much money.

Because your unconscious mind is stronger than your conscious mind, it wins in the battle of the vibes. You don’t see the results you wanted and you declare the LOA to be a crock. But it isn’t. The LOA is working for you perfectly. Your overall vibe, dictated by your unconscious mind, is attracting according to the law. You are receiving according to the vibe you are giving out.

Dream interpretation identifies your unconscious beliefs, so you can easily pick the ones that are working against your conscious wishes. Interested to find out more?

Listen here (episode 33).

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