Episode 255 The Dream Show: Knots

Episode 255 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Juliana, from Atlanta, Georgia, is my guest asking about her dream of encountering a knotty problem when changing a baby’s diaper.

This very visceral dream begins with a diaper change and the challenge of cleaning an abundance of yellow poo from the baby’s crevices. The wet wipes she was using were moist but tough, and she worried that she was irritating the baby’s genitalia.

The baby’s gender was ambiguous, partly boy, partly girl.

As you’ll hear, Juliana’s aunt has some caregiving advice that involves tying lots of knots into something that emerged from the baby’s digestive system: was it the baby’s intestines, or an umbilical cord, or something else?

And is the aunt’s caregiving advice ultimately healing or harmful?

Listen as Juliana and I explore her dream to discover what it means, how it relates to her waking life, and how the insights we uncover can help her with her situation.


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