Episode 218 The Dream Show: Dream dictionary temptations

Episode 218 The Dream Show Dream dictionary temptations Jane Teresa Anderson

How many dream dictionaries have you got on your bookshelf?

It’s so very tempting to look up a dream symbol, or to look up several symbols from the dream you had last night and try to link them together, but how helpful is this approach really?

In this episode we look at why you might want to re-evaluate your collection of dream dictionaries, or, perhaps, toss them altogether.

Can looking up dream themes, rather than symbols be useful? For example, looking up themes of being lost, or being late, rather than symbols like a train station (you’ve lost your way to the station) or a doctor’s surgery (you’re late for an appointment)?

We look at how far an understanding of common dream themes can be helpful, and what you need to be able to do to build on such understanding to arrive at accurate insight into your dream and your life.

Finally, what if you – or the person who is helping you with your dream – gets the interpretation wrong? Is there such a thing as a right or wrong interpretation? By now, you’ll have many questions of your own. Curious? Go ahead, and listen:


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