Episode 201 The Dream Show: Dream stories

Episode 201 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

This episode is studded with stories, and in-between the storytelling is an exercise you can do to get a fresh perspective on the meaning of a dream.

It’s an exercise in storytelling. You get a prominent symbol from a dream to tell the whole dream story from its perspective. Listen in to find out how to do this. It’s easy, fun to do, and very enlightening!

There’s the story of my return to my childhood home in the UK, the story of my granddaughter’s thirst for stories from my childhood, the story about the photograph of my sister and I and a chimpanzee, and the story of a wishing tree.

And if that all sounds rather magical, this episode includes a chat about how our dreams help us to solve problems, in alignment with the advice passed through many generations to ‘sleep on it’.

Which is topical, because my first book was called ‘Sleep on it’ (published by Harper Collins in 1994), and this episode of The Dream Show comes out just after the publication of my seventh book, The Dream Handbook (published by Hachette in Australia and Little Brown, Piatkus in the UK), so the show finishes with an outline of the book and where to buy it.

Enjoy the stories and the learning about dreams!


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2 comments on “Episode 201 The Dream Show: Dream stories”

  1. Bernnadette

    I had a dream that my auntie on my dad side was having a memorial service for my dad so had my friend to take down there she had her baby with her so her baby pop up so I change her when I did that my stomach wasn’t feeling so I told them to wake me up when they got ready to go and I went to sleep when I wake up it was almost dark I ask why no one wake me and my cousin and them I just got back I ask why didn’t they wake me up she started laugh so I hit her and ran back to my friend and all they sudden I just feel to the floor saying I won’t my dadddy and woke up crying real tears my daddy have been dead for almost 5 years I really do miss him

    • Jane Teresa Anderson

      Hi Bernnadette,
      It is a long and challenging process, grieving for those we love who have passed, isn’t it? Just when you think you’ve cried all your tears, there are more. One of the wonderful things about our dreams is that they can help us release more of our emotions, those emotions that have gone in very deep and affect us, emotions we need, at some stage, to ‘wake up to’ and release. Did you notice your dream was about waking up/not waking up? Your dream also mentioned death, the new (baby) and change (as in changing the baby). You’re probably experiencing some new things in life now, some changes, but at the same time still remembering and grieving for the past. In the dream there was to be a memorial service. Can you find a way to have wonderful memories about your dad while also moving forward with wonderful changes in your life?

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