Dream interpretation: Landscapes

Dream Interpretation Landscapes Jane Teresa Anderson

How many different landscapes have you encountered in your dreams? Have you visited mountains, forests, deserts, foreign cities, unknown suburbs, rolling hills and valleys, lush countryside, steep rock cliffs, or barren wastelands? What do these dream settings mean?

The landscape in your dream helps describe the situation you find yourself in, the one your dream sets out to explore. If you find yourself in a dream desert, for example, you might be dreaming about a situation in your life today where you are feeling isolated, or deserted, or where you are feeling a bit dry emotionally. What happens in your dream desert represents your feelings about this, as well as possible solutions to your situation.

If your dream setting is a rocky, mountainous region with no easy road through, you might be dreaming about a situation in your life today where the challenges seem insurmountable, with no easy way through. Or perhaps you find yourself in a foreign city, one you haven’t visited before, among people who speak a language you do not know. In this case, you might be dreaming about a situation in your life today where you feel as if you are in foreign territory,  perhaps beginning a new university course, or finding yourself in different social circles with different attitudes.

Applying the same approach, you may find yourself in lush countryside when you are dreaming about a situation in your life today where opportunities are growing fast, or you may find yourself in a concrete, industrial suburb when you are dreaming about a situation where you feel hard work is dominating natural pleasures.

In dreams featuring landscapes, ask which situation, in your life today, feels like the dream setting.

Once you’ve identified the situation, you can  interpret the rest of your dream, confident of the subject matter it is exploring.

[Extract from 101 Dream Interpretation Tips, Jane Teresa Anderson]

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