Episode 181 The Dream Show: Petal women

Episode 181 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson petal Women

Emily from San Francisco is my guest with a dream about cooking beef stroganoff from leftover beef. Exactly how much meat do you need to make this dish, and will there be enough to feed everyone?

Emily sets off on a mission to buy more meat. Along the way, she finds herself with three women, each with a petal in place of their head. Doesn’t this dream begin to sound like a fairy tale? What began as a serious, practical journey becomes quite magical at this point. It’s also at this point that Emily’s dream becomes more emotional.

The final part of Emily’s dream finds her back on the road again, running hard, but I’ll leave you to enjoy listening to discover what happens next, and why.

Everyone and everything in a dream represents something about the dreamer, so what do the three petal women represent about Emily, and how much of this is unconscious?

One of the most potent offerings of dreams is insight into our unconscious, and the reward of deeper understanding of the self and why we experience life in the way that we do. Listen in to discover what Emily learns from the petal women, once we analyse her dream.

As always with guests, you’ll hear Emily’s feedback on my interpretation and her deeper exploration of how it relates to her life and how this process changes her perspective.

I’ve also included a dream alchemy practice for Emily to do, one that really made her smile, as you’ll hear. Enjoy.


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