The mirror and the compass

The Mirror and the Compass Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams
Are you looking for guidance from your dreams? Clear direction? A message to follow? People often think of dreams as being messages from a higher source, delivering an action plan for success.

It’s true that you can find guidance and life direction by interpreting a dream. You can even come up with a brilliant action plan for success, follow it, and achieve that success. But … you knew there was a ‘but’ coming, didn’t you? Here it is.

It is more accurate to say that your dreams tell you everything you need to know about who you are TODAY, how you see the world today, and why this is so.

Your dreams often look back and remind you of your past experiences and relate them to what is happening for you today, because your past has shaped who you are today and how you see the world today. Your past – and today – also shapes who you will be tomorrow, and how you will see the world tomorrow, IF YOU LET IT!

Think of a dream as being a snapshot of you, today. Of course, you need to be able to interpret your dream first to understand that snapshot, to see the big picture of you and your life as it is today. When you know how to do this, you really begin to understand yourself deeply and clearly, and this puts you in a position of great power.

Your dreams, once interpreted, give you a deeper view of yourself than you can get from any other method of self-understanding. Dreams show you your unconscious beliefs, feelings, attitudes, and ways of seeing the world. These will surprise you, at first, and then you will clearly see how these relate to your life. They explain why your life is the way it is today.

When you understand yourself as you are today, you have the power to change, to create a new you and a new way of seeing the world for tomorrow. Instead of repeating the same old cycles, going round in circles through the same old experiences, you can break free and move forward to the life you really want.

That’s the power and the magic of dream interpretation.

So don’t look for direct guidance from your dreams. Instead, look into the mirror of your dreams to understand your position TODAY so clearly that you can make changes and set your compass to move towards the future you choose.

[Extract from 101 Dream Interpretation Tips, Jane Teresa Anderson]

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