Put the baggage down

Put the Baggage Down Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

Today I invited people on FaceBook to pick a number between 1 and 365 to get a reading from my book The Compass. (There are 365 readings in the book.)

Sarah was first to respond, picking number 256, ‘Put the baggage down’. Here’s the full reading:



When your hands are free, you can put yesterday to bed and build a new tomorrow.



In which situation do you feel your hands are tied?

What are you doing for others that they could do for themselves?

Imagine stopping doing this. How does this make you feel? What might you gain? What might you lose? How might others respond to you? What might happen next?  Who did you first feel responsible for in your life? Why did you feel responsible? How did this responsibility make you feel? Alternatively, are you still weighed down by unhealed feelings of guilt, remorse, rejection, disappointment?



Find some quiet time, turn off your phone, and settle down with a piece of paper and a pen. You are going to write a poem – no rhyming or cleverness required – in ten minutes flat. Turn off your brain, and just let your gut instinct write the poem. No sentences, no attention to grammar – just free-floating words on your page. Don’t think about it or plan it beforehand. Just start. The title is, Weighed Down. See what comes up.

From The Compass – your guide to your best future, copyright Jane Teresa Anderson

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