Episode 52 The Dream Show: Moving forward

Episode 52 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

This episode is about moving forward, freed by alchemy.

When you do alchemy, your dreams reflect the deep changes. Of course, you’ll notice changes in your waking life – some subtle, but hugely powerful, some more dramatic – but it’s always exciting to see confirmation of the changes in your dreams.

One of the first changes you’ll observe is that at least one recurring dream will present with a new and happy ending because you have broken through old conditioning that was keeping you locked in a recurring waking life issue. Sometimes this change literally happens overnight; at other times you’ll experience a period of revisiting the old recurring dreams while the old beliefs are being chipped away and transformed at a slower pace. Either way, if the alchemy is right, it happens, and you’ll see it in your dreams!

In today’s show I bring updates from three recent podcast guests, Eve, Carla, and Jennifer, reporting on the changes they’ve experienced in their lives and in their old recurring dreams. And I share some of my dancing dreams and what I’ve learned from them about recurring situations in life and breaking free from them.

In my night dreams I am the most spectacular dancer, always harmoniously partnered, cheek to cheek, heart to heart, soul to soul. Our weightless dances defy the gravity and clumsiness of waking life, as we move into every dimension of space until the dance ends and I wake up still smiling from the touch of the light fantastic.

And from each dream dance, a great lesson is learned.

Join me for an exploration of Yin and Yang, and the balanced middle path between the two that leads to the way forward.

You can listen here (Episode 52)

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