Bird of Paradise, Jane Teresa Anderson

Bird of Paradise Jane Teresa Anderson

Bird of Paradise – Taming the Unconscious to Bring Your Dreams to Fruition

Paperback, 274 pages; also available as a kindle ebook




This inspirational guide to finding your calling and navigating your life using dreams, mysteries, and alchemy draws on Jane Teresa Anderson’s life and work as a dream analyst and author, scientist and mystic.

This is a story strewn with flowers that bloom, trees that shelter, and birds that sing — all of which are touchstones to guide you on your path.

Part whimsical memoir, part healing balm, and part alchemical guide, Bird of Paradise delivers Jane Teresa’s down-to-earth tools and techniques for decoding dreams and synchronicities and offers up her unique signature alchemy practices that enable you to flow and grow with life’s challenges, paradoxes, and mysteries.

Jane Teresa’s work is largely based on her own research and practice of more than twenty-seven years. As such, she has been privileged to spend much of her professional life engaged in exploring her clients’ dreams and witnessing the breakthroughs that quite magically occur as a result. When Jane Teresa hasn’t been working with clients, she’s been writing about dreams and dreaming, speaking about dreams and dreaming in the media, training students to work with dreams, and at night, dreaming her own dreams.

“There’s a certain magic that comes from spending so much of a life in dreams. Your eyes acclimate to seeing beyond the everyday and you experience quite astounding synchronicities and mysterious goings-on. You witness a greater tapestry that’s woven from the threads of yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” she says.

Immerse yourself in that magic now and learn how to see behind the curtain of ordinary consensus reality. In so doing, your world will become infinitely richer and you will become more aligned with your own unique calling on the road of life.



“It’s full of laughter and joy and wisdom and truth. Its stories are at times universal and easily transferable. Your flower imagery and symbolism sits effortlessly and unobtrusively within the text, adding that something extra but never slowing the flow. I just loved it. Thank you for this wonderful gift of dreams, imagination, hard work, synchronicity, sharing, wisdom. This book will be a treasure for many people.  It made me cry at the end because of what you said, because I’d finished reading it and because of what you have created.”
– Alie Blackwell

“Jane Teresa Anderson’s many fans will love this opportunity to get to know her better. And if you haven’t met her yet—here’s your chance. You will move from chopping vegetables with her on the lid of her kitchen bath in Glasgow to savouring the literary herbs of her Hobart garden. Along the way you’ll be treated to wise and warm-hearted advice on dreams and life.”
– Rob Drew (Review posted on Amazon US)

“I have just finished reading your book and it was delightful and fascinating. It was interesting finding out a little about your life and memories and dreams but what was also interesting was how your science background merges with your mystical side. Your work is about shifting our minds from their set grooves to get a different perspective. I like the flow of your book as memoir, your thoughts about dreams and life. It makes for a lovely collage. I also like your acceptance of certain things without being certain about what happened like the two strangers at the party. You don’t try to attribute it to one narrative. You leave it open. Fascinating story!”
– Tania Beudel

“Jane, I have often reflected, after reading all your amazing Dream Publications, your Website, Blogs, and listened and watched your many Podcasts and Television appearances, when you might just have time for yourself ! “Bird of Paradise” sits at the “top of the tree “in unveiling, with delight and insight, your innate kindness and total commitment to your family and life, as well as your professional work. Your lifetime of hard work and inspiration to others has culminated in a joyous book with a wonderfully illustrated front cover and chapter headings. Your “Bird” is a handy size to put in one’s daily or travel bag.”
– Sue Manger

“Dreams are fascinating! I love analysing them and unravelling the messages they contain. I was so excited to hear that my favourite dream interpretation author, Jane Teresa Anderson, has written a new book called Bird of Paradise. I was expecting it to be similar to her Dream Alchemy book [note: now updated as The Dream Handbook], which is my go-to for decoding puzzling dreams. I was surprised to discover that Bird of Paradise was more like a memoir, with descriptions of her dreams woven through the stories she shared. It was enlightening to learn how she interpreted and worked with her dreams, and how they helped shape her decisions. Synchronistically, during the days and weeks I spent dipping in and out of the pages of Bird of Paradise, I found that my own dreams became more vivid, and quite effortlessly I was able to understand them more easily than ever before. This is an uplifting book perfect for anyone who wants to invite a little more of the mystical and magical into their waking and dreaming lives.”
– Andrea Sent (Review posted in Goodreads.)

“A Gem of a Book. This is a beautiful book, full of love, gratitude and wisdom. Coming from a perspective both personal and universal, Jane weaves her magic in compelling dreams, anecdotes and insights, all opening up our hearts and minds to deeper connections and transformations. She takes us on a compelling journey, subtle but emotionally moving, where profound truths are unlocked and presented for our consideration, understanding and entertainment. I love this book and its flowing moods, gentle twists, turns and mysteries. It brought me safely home to a place within me, now more deeply peaceful than the time before I picked up this graceful gem.”
– Karen Joy, Hypnosis Practitioner

“I very much enjoyed reading Jane Teresa’s new book Bird of Paradise. I have read all of Jane’s books to date and this one has a different flavour, it is both insightful and whimsical. Bird of Paradise weaves Jane’s extraordinary life experiences and gives the reader a tangible way to see how her dream alchemy manifests in real terms. Jane’s stories are inspirational and give the reader insight into a life lived to the fullest. I recommend this book for those interested in discovering the hidden aspects of the self and reaching their full potential.”
– Barbara Courtille