Our dream communities

Our Dream Communities Jane Teresa Anderson

Twelve months ago I had a vision for how the year would unfold, and set about manifesting it with the help of dream alchemy, of course.

And what a year it turned out to be! I have to smile as I look back at the Dream Sight News I wrote in May 2009, titled ‘11 years online! Changes and predictions!’ I announced the imminent launch of our weekly podcast, The Dream Show, and tentatively opened a Twitter account. I thought that was change enough for one year, but alchemy has its way of delivering the stars when you aim at the moon.

So, what happened?

Well, we’ve now been podcasting every week for a year (and will continue to do so), and have been delighted at the number of listeners across more than 26 countries who download The Dream Show every week. While most listeners live in the United States, our audience extends to the Russian Federation, China, Japan, Sweden, India, Argentina, Korea (to mention just a few) as well as across Europe and Australasia.

And it’s growing every week, thanks to people like you recommending the show in your circles.

The next thing the universe had in store for me – as a result of my alchemy – was a blog. No, two blogs. I won’t bore you with the story, but my JaneTeresa.com blog quickly blossomed as if from nowhere. It went from ‘oh, maybe I should have a blog’ to what seemed like a collusion of the universe to assist me in getting it out there immediately. The hallmark of alchemy is ‘ask and it will be given, only probably much bigger and much sooner than you imagined’.

And it seemed one blog wasn’t enough. Almost in the same week, James at Lifestylepodnetwork (where our podcast show is hosted), emailed me to say he had created a podcast blog for our show. That blog has further evolved, just last week, so now each episode has its own permanent page and it’s easier to leave comments about each show.

Next, the alchemy delivered several messengers imploring me to launch a Facebook Page. Well, suddenly that made sense, so I did, and the magic that has arisen as a result has been wonderful.

Our dream communities – those of you who listen to the podcasts (and appear as guests on the show), follow the blogs (and post comments), and ‘like’ our FaceBook page (and comment and interact there) – are blossoming every day, helping connect people interested in dreams and spreading the message. I’m enjoying meeting you all: thank you for your presence and support of the work.

Here are some recent comments:

From this blog, JaneTeresa.com

“How appropriate that you choose to blog about this very thing that is happening in my life right now. Through my dream journaling, I’ve discovered that the nightmare I had when I was 6 or 7 years old was actually a ‘blueprint’ – a presaging – of the pattern my whole life would take. I’m now using a dream alchemy process to change it, and so far, I’m having great results. What a great revelation this has been to my inner growth. I am now changing the pattern of how I view my life, my future and my part in all of it. Fascinating!” Stella

“I want to thank you both – great show JT and thanks to Margaret for going on the show – wow, some quite deep stuff came out. I always feel elated for someone when something shifts and their dreams reflect the changes.” Dreamer88

From the Facebook page

“I have learnt a lot over the years from you Jane Teresa. I have realised that when I am going through a spate of remembering my epic dreams it is always during a renovation of my belief systems or some challenging time, be it small or large. Your methods of analysing dreams have been a wonderful help. My 9 year old daughter awoke from a … (continued at Facebook)” Christine

From the podcast blog

“I did so relate to podcast 53 of being stuck [in my stuff] and how I create and look at/for obstacles instead of looking at the vision.” Lynette


Thank you for your participation in our dream communities. Which medium do you like best: blog posts, podcasts, videos?

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