Something old, something new

Something Old Something New Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

“I met a completely new person in my dream, yet he felt so familiar. I must have created him, the details of his face and body, his clothing, but why that feeling of knowing him so well?”

It was my birthday earlier this week, and we were out celebrating when we bumped into a friend, Dee, who introduced her friend, Mark, and mentioned my work with dreams.

“How odd to meet you today,” he said. “I haven’t remembered a dream for five years, and then last week I had a dream about a completely new person, and it’s been on my mind ever since. Did I make him up, and why did he feel so familiar?”

Mark started to relate the man’s physical details.

“What about his personality?” I asked. “How did he make you feel?”

“He was inspiring. I felt uplifted,” he replied, economising his words so as to be understood over the loud band music.

I don’t usually interpret dreams in social situations, and certainly not with a live band playing ten metres away, but I offered a comment. “In the day or two before the dream you connected with a completely new aspect of yourself, a mix of something very familiar and something quite new. You felt uplifted and inspired. Your dreaming mind created a face, body, and clothes to encapsulate the feeling. What happened?”

“Oh, that’s amazing,” Mark said. “I was just telling Dee about a situation last week where I felt more like my old self but in a new and better way.  My sense of humour came back to life, and that’s something I haven’t felt for a long time. It was very uplifting.”

It seems fitting to blog about this ‘something old, something new’ dream as we prepare to welcome a new year in four days time.

Is there ‘something old’ that you’ve lost touch with, something you’d like to reconnect with, to bring forward (rather than bring back) into your life in a new way? What comes to mind? Write it down.

Why did you lose touch with this? If you’re not sure, or if you feel there’s a deeper answer than the one on your lips right now, watch your dreams over the next few days as they process this question and the feelings it elicits.

You may be able, like Mark, to simply allow that old, familiar, lost quality into your life again, or you may need a little help in identifying and releasing the blocks that have kept it at bay.

So you have your ‘something old’ that you’d like to reconnect with and bring forward into your life in 2014. What would you like your “something new” to be? What comes to mind? Write it down.

The blessing that gives more life and meaning.

The blessing that gives more life and meaning.

Your ‘something new’ might simply be the perspective and wisdom you have gained since you last enjoyed living your ‘something old’.

The very challenge that seemed to cause you to lose touch with your ‘something old’ is most likely the blessing that will give more life and meaning to your ‘something old’ once you are ready to welcome it home.


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