Be true to yourself

Be True to Yourself Jane Teresa Anderson Dreams

Last week I invited people on FaceBook to pick a number between 1 and 365 to get a reading from my book The Compass. (There are 365 readings in the book.)

Belinda picked number 86, ‘Be true to yourself’. Here’s the full reading:




How else can you be true to others?



What do you forgo to please others?

When do you find yourself play-acting instead of being yourself?

In these circumstances, what would the real you like to do or say? How does the real you feel? What goals remain unfulfilled because you are too busy trying to be what other people want you to be? How well do these people know you? How might your relationship change if you stopped play-acting? Who might you attract into your life if you let the real you show?



Imagine a circus animal in performance, for example, a seal balancing a ball on its snout, a lion jumping through a hoop of fire, or an elephant juggling sticks with its trunk. Find one that resonates with how you feel when you are performing to fulfil someone else’s expectations. For example, the circus lion might suit if you feel you compromise your strength, the seal might suit if you feel your performance is a balancing act, and the elephant might suit if you feel you juggle the expectations of several people. Visualise giving your circus animal freedom to leave the circus and live in its natural environment happily and successfully true to its nature. Repeat many times a day for a month. You will begin to see how to be true to yourself.

From The Compass – your guide to your best future, copyright Jane Teresa Anderson

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