Dreaming of people you know: A Checklist


Dreaming of People You Know A Checklist Jane Teresa Anderson

People are such perfect dream symbols for your various beliefs, issues, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, memories, and experiences, but sometimes you need a little extra help in narrowing the field when interpreting the meaning of a certain person in a particular dream.

Here’s that little extra help. Use this checklist (an extract from my book, Dream Alchemy, now retitled [2018] and available as The Dream Handbook published by Hachette and by Little Brown). Answer the questions until something clicks.


1.    What is the personality of this person (three words or phrases)?

2.    How does this person approach life (three words or phrases)?

3.    When was the last time you saw, heard of or interacted with this person?

4.    What were the circumstances of your answer to question 3?

5.    How would you feel if you met this person today?

6.    Who else does this person remind you of?

7.    Is there a pun or different meaning in this person’s name?

8.    What role does this person play in the world?

9.    What role does this person play in your life?

10.    Which three things do you admire about this person?

11.    Which three things do you dislike about this person (be honest!)

12.    Do you have any unresolved feelings or business with this person? If so, what?

13.    What belief might you have borrowed from this person?

14.    Do you need to make peace with this person?

15.    If you were to meet this person today, what message would you like to deliver?

Everyone and everything in a dream represents something about you.

Everyone and everything in a dream represents something about you.

Remember that everyone and everything in a dream represents something about you, and dreams reflect your mind’s processing of the last couple of days.

Use the checklist to trigger a connection between what that person means to you and what has been happening in your life during the last 24-48 hours. Then add that insight into the mix when interpreting the other details of your dream.

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2 comments on “Dreaming of people you know: A Checklist”

  1. Renu Gada

    Wow that was really amazing and has helped me get over someone negative thoughts…
    Thank you so much

    • Jane Teresa Anderson

      My pleasure Renu, thank you.

      Many Blessings,

      Jane Teresa

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