The hidden room in your dreams

The hidden room in your dreams Jane Teresa Anderson

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The hidden room in your dream

Have you ever had a dream where you discover a previously hidden room, one that fills you with a sense of wonder and awe? What does it mean?

It’s a common dream theme, so, chances are, you’ve either had this dream before, or you will in the future, but one thing is for certain: no matter how many millions or billions of people have dreamed of a wondrous hidden room, each version of the dream is as unique as each dreamer.

What kind of door did you find, or was the room hidden behind vines, or accessed through a secret cave, or did it reveal itself when an interior wall tumbled down? What exactly did you find in the room: how was it furnished, was there any natural light, was there anything in there from your past, did it seem futuristic, was anyone else in there? What happened next, what dramas unfolded, what thoughts went through your mind, what emotions touched your heart, what did you imagine you might do with such a room?

The variations are endless, and each of these details helps to specifically pinpoint what the dream means for each individual dreamer.

In general, though, such a dream comes up when you are beginning to discover your own, previously hidden, wondrous potential. The dream is an invitation to bring more of your magnificence into the world.

Common dream themes reflect common life themes that we all experience from time to time, simply because we’re human. They reflect the kinds of conflicts, dilemmas, and challenges that so many of us face at some point in our lives, including, in this case, the challenge of overcoming our limiting beliefs, our thinking small, our loving small, our tendency to lock off our greater potential.

As we approach a new year, no, a new decade, how might you bring more of your magnificence into a world that sorely needs what you have to offer?

Your dreams can help you to identify your magnificence, and why you have kept it hidden, even from yourself. Your dreams can help you to discover what holds you back, and why, and dream alchemy can help you to naturally release the binds that have kept you from living your best life.

In my younger years I often dreamed of discovering extra rooms. Sometimes they were wonderful, and I couldn’t believe that all I had to do was open a door to find them. I couldn’t believe that these amazing rooms had been there, all along, while I crammed my life into such a small living space.

In other dreams, I discovered extra rooms that were dark and scary. I courageously opened doors in these dreams, sometimes stepping inside, heart pounding, sometimes stepping aside, frozen.

There were rooms where people had died, rooms filled with cobwebs, rooms filled with old furniture I didn’t like, rooms filled with stuff, stuff that took up too much space, stuff that needed to be cleared out to make the rooms useable. Each of these rooms spoke, symbolically, of how I felt about my potential magnificence, or what obstacles and fears I needed to face and deal with to free up the space for better purpose. There was grief I needed to process, binds I needed to dissolve, vitality I needed to restore, old ideas and expectations I needed to clear, stuff, so much stuff, that I had been hanging onto, stuff that was in my way.

In my book, The Dream Handbook (an updated version of Dream Alchemy), includes a chapter called, ‘Wow! Extra Rooms!’ designed to help you interpret your unique version of the wondrous extra rooms dream. It begins on page 198. (The Dream Handbook is published by Hachette in Australia, and by Little Brown, Piatkus, in the UK.)

The Dream Handbook features 41 common dream themes, ‘Wow! Extra Rooms!’ being one of these. Each chapter follows a similar process, exploring common variations of the dream, how you might feel in your dream, ideas for the meaning of your dream based on how it ends, what kinds of things might be blocking you from moving forward, how to move forward, what this dream may be about in your life (examples of scenarios and situations), some of the personal clues to look out for in your dream, ideas about why this dream has come up for you now, a selection of three different dream alchemy practices suitable for this type of dream, and signs to look for, in your dreams and in your waking life, that show the dream alchemy is working.

Yes, if it’s not already on your bookshelf, in paperback or digital format, it should be! And if it is on your bookshelf, turn to page 198 for more help on understanding your dreams of extra rooms that fill you with such a sense of wonder!


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