Sunrise clip: sexsomnia & sleepwalking

Sexsomnia and Sleepwalking Jane Teresa Anderson

Sunrise invited me onto the breakfast show this morning to talk about sexsomnia and other forms of sleepwalking. Here’s the clip from the show:

(2019: Video clip link no longer live.)

What is sexsomnia? Channel 7 are screening a documentary tonight, Sleep Walkers: Secrets of the Night, focussing on sleepwalking in its many forms, including sexsomnia, a distressing condition where a person, usually male, tries to have sex with his partner while he (the sleepwalker) is asleep. The sex is usually rough and mechanical, and, of course, extremely distressing to the partner who is the only one of the pair to have any memory of the event in the morning. 100,000 people are believed to have sexsomnia in Britain.

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