Episode 251 The Dream Show: Coughed-up black spider

Episode 251 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Lucía from Cuernavaca, Mexico, is my guest asking about her dream of a disgusting coughed-up black spider.

She dreamed she was at a monastery where a monk was questioning her desire to be the bellringer for the meditations. She wanted to sit beside the huge singing bowl and embody its beautiful vibrations.

Later in the dream she prepares to interview a woman for a broadcast. She’s nervous, but as she writes down her questions, they flow.

The woman she is interviewing, however, expresses her disappointment about an activist document that Lucía wrote a few years ago. After several false starts and stumbles, the interview begins, but then a woman to her left coughs up a black spider!

What does her dream mean, how does it relate to her life, and what key insights can she draw?

Listen as Lucía and I explore her dream to find out!


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2 comments on “Episode 251 The Dream Show: Coughed-up black spider”

  1. Jesse G

    Dreams about spiders have always been super interesting for me because of the intersection of danger and the potential of growth that they offer. It’s probably the most emotion-inducing symbol we have of the chaotic feminine, and I’m always amazed how often they show up in dreams to represent that.

    • Jane Teresa Anderson

      It certainly is a powerful and potent symbol! Thank you for your comment Jesse.

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