Episode 238 The Dream Show: Wonder Woman

Episode 238 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Edie, from Panama in Central America, is my guest with a trio of linked dreams spanning six decades, starting with a dream she had at age six, finishing with one she had at age sixty-eight.

Throughout her life from the age of six, Edie has noticed several characters recurring in her dreams. Among them is a Wonder Woman avenger, and a spirit she calls The Nun.

As you know, most of our guests remain anonymous, apart from sharing their first name and their city or country. Anonymity eases the path to exploring a dream on a public podcast. Occasionally though, a guest chooses to give more details, as Edie does. The linked dreams Edie brought to The Dream Show are featured in her new book, How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler, and she was keen both to explore these dreams and to talk about the book.

Enjoy this vibrant conversation, exploring Edie’s dreams in retrospect, finding patterns, discovering meaning and insight.


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