Episode 188 The Dream Show: Questioning reality

Episode 188 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

We begin with our new theme music*, a change after almost eight years and 187 episodes with our original theme, and we end with announcing a new format that we’ll be introducing into the show, asking for your thoughts and inviting your participation.

In between, we question reality, exploring what we can learn about reality from lucid dreaming, as well as from our everyday magical, mystical waking life experiences, and from those dreams that seem so chillingly real that we may be mistakenly persuaded to take them literally and let them colour our lives and affect our decisions.

Along the way I give you solid, practical tips for interpreting your dreams so that you can relate them to your life in insightful, meaningful ways, and discover fresh perspective on your everyday reality.

* New theme music composed by Euan Gray.


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