Tag Archives: unconscious mind

Radio 5AA, Adelaide: Former glory

Words can be very telling, especially the words we use to describe our dreams. They often come direct from our unconscious mind – perfect keys to interpretation. So next time someone is telling you about a dream, listen for those tell-tale words. Alison called Radio 5AA last week when I was interpreting dreams on Amanda

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What drives you to get out of bed in the morning? Hunger for food, a full bladder, a sense of duty, a need to earn money, a passion for your work, your baby’s cry, fear of being late for work, hunger for success, a sense of adventure? Before reading on, have a think about all

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Episode 33 The Dream Show: Dreams and the Law of Attraction

I am often asked about the Law of Attraction, and whether nightmares and dreams with negative vibes attract negative people and events into our lives. It’s a good question, and one I explore in today’s podcast, episode 33. The real secret to getting the Law of Attraction to bring you what you consciously want –

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Backwards or forwards?

This morning, I sat in the bow end of a small speedboat, my back to the direction of travel, as we idled along a broad river. A perfect cooling breeze, a heavenly way to start the day. An elderly man sat on the riverbank, singing the boat into motion. This was a dream, of course.

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