Category Archives: Podcasts

The Dream Show is a free podcast series in which I analyse my guests’ dreams and share dream interpretation tips & insights.

A new episode is published every four weeks.

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Episode 72 The Dream Show: A DSDD workout

My guest, Dail, shares her experience of running one of her dreams through our DIY free interpretation program. (Note, April 2013: After 13 years of use we’ve now retired this program.) You pop your dream in one end, answer some short, simple questions, and emerge at the other end of the process with a clearer

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Episode 71 The Dream Show: Glimmers of gold

What’s the link between Inception, the movie, and Dream Alchemy? Inception is about entering into a person’s dream and changing the storyline to create a changed waking life outcome, while Dream Alchemy is about changing the storyline of your own dream, once you’ve woken up, to create a changed waking life outcome. In Inception, the

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