Episode 83 The Dream Show: Chased by a lion

Episode 83 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

‘There must be 50 ways to leave a lover,’ according to Paul Simon’s lyrics, but how many ways are there to escape a hungry lion hot on your tail?

In this episode we look at how to find creative solutions to waking life problems by applying a simple, fun technique to any dream.

Paul Simon’s lyrics continue, ‘”The problem is all inside your head”, she said to me,’ and isn’t that so true? A problem is only a problem if that’s the way you see it. Then again, every problem or question has a solution – many solutions – once you shift your perspective and look at it from a different angle.

The technique I share with you in this episode shows you how to take any dream, identify the problem or question it poses about your waking life, and find several solutions for you to choose from.

I wish I’d thought of the Paul Simon angle while I was recording this episode, but it didn’t come to me until I started to type this introduction. Hmm, well, bear it in mind while you listen to the story of the lion. For good measure, I’ve added a story about why grass is green. Have a think before listening: why is grass green? Enjoy.

You can listen here (Episode 83)

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