Episode 69 The Dream Show: Old wallpaper

Episode 69 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

Trish is my guest with a dream about directing a movie. In the dream she moves through a house, viewing the rooms through her camera lens, and becomes mesmerised by the old fashioned wallpaper.

On closer examination she finds a hole in the wall: where does it lead?

Trish’s dream is short but packed with clues: a capital E, a capital W, an old key, and that intriguing fleur-de-lis pattern on the wallpaper. What does it all mean, and how does it relate to Trish’s life?

Don’t you just love the detective work involved in dream interpretation?

Join us as we track down the clues and create alchemy to help Trish move her life to the next level. Listen and enjoy!

You can listen here (Episode 69)

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