Episode 61 The Dream Show: The brain’s mind

Episode 61 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

What’s the connection between a flagon of gin and seeing the world upside down?

Here’s a clue: it’s got nothing to do with getting drunk. Here’s another clue: it’s got everything to do with how the brain hears what it wants to hear and sees what it wants to see.

In short, the brain has a mind of its own. Now – that’s got you thinking, hasn’t it?

Your dreams can help you to understand why you experience the world in your own special, unique way, and can open your eyes to new, more fulfilling ways of experiencing life. Today’s show explores this firstly through Amy’s dream, then through a little brain science, and finally through my flagon of gin experience.

Lots of practical dream interpretation tips are included, as always, and by the end of the podcast you’ll have some interesting conversation starters to introduce at your next party. Cheers!

You can listen here (Episode 61)

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