Episode 148 The Dream Show: Intense emotions in dreams

Episode 148 The Dream Show Jane Teresa Anderson

We begin with the light-hearted, a bit of fun and a laugh to illustrate just how far the unconscious can go to try to save us from feeling pain, yet how that same unconscious can speak loud and clear in waking life once you know how to look and listen. It speaks even more clearly in dreams, once you know how to read them, and in this episode we plunge into the kind of dreams where you vent and scream and act in ways that terrify you, to discover how to understand them.

Many people who are quiet and considerate towards others in waking life dream of expressing such rage that it spills into violence. In dreams, you may find yourself so angry that you shake someone violently, squash them, or hurt them in ways that are not even physically possible in waking life. You may be thinking these dreams are simply arenas to release deep emotions, and you’re right in part. But there’s more, and it’s in the deeper understanding of these dreams that you stand to gain the greatest light. We go there in this episode. You’ll emerge smiling. Enjoy.


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